The ultimate mobile mapping solution
Effortless data capture
Create a map as you move. Outdoors, indoors or underground. It’s lightweight and compact design makes it simple whether you’re new to digital mapping, or a trained surveyor.
Your tool to capture, process and understand the world around you
With powerful SLAM technology at its heart (we call it GeoSLAM Beam), the ZEB Horizon can be used in areas with poor GPS – such as underground or in forests.
Unlimited Possibilities
Lightweight and rugged, simple to use, fast to capture and easy to process giving you the most accurate information you need to make the most important decisions.
The ZEB Horizon is as flexible as you are. Use handheld or pair with one of our many mounting options. Take your ZEB to the skies by mounting to a UAV or reach those difficult places with the cradle or pole.
Outdoor, indoor, underground
Seamlessly transition between different environments using just one scanner.
Whether that’s outside to inside, room to room, above ground to underground.
Powered by next generation SLAM technology
Create clean, georeferenced point clouds automatically with GeoSLAM Connect
With the press of one button, your data will be automatically processed, saved in a folder of your choice, and prepared for the next step of your workflow. Connect comes as standard with all our ZEB mobile mapping scanners.
GeoSLAM data is compatible with software that works for you with universal file formats (LAZ/LAS/PLY/TXT/e57).